ICA Group Facilitation Methods (GFM)
What is it about?
A set of group facilitation methods called “Technology of Participation” (ToP), was developed by the Institute of Cultural Affairs (ICA), an American organisation operating since the 1960s, first in the United States and then globally. The “Group Facilitation Methods” training is thus backed by decades of experience from many organisations, communities and cultures. The training is offered in cooperation with the British branch of ICA.
Group facilitation methods are oriented towards joint reflection and consensus building. This translates into a training program that includes knowledge and practice of two ToP methods:
- Focused Conversation
- Consensus Workshop
During the first day of training, participants will learn and practice the ORID model. This model is used to structure a conversation so that everyone is involved and everyone can share their observations in several areas: facts, feelings, their interpretation and the possible actions resulting from them. A focused conversation is an excellent tool for reflection, retrospectives, and ‘lessons learning’ sessions.
The second day is devoted to consensus building as a method of group work, the essence of which is to collect various ideas from a group, integrate them and reach a common agreement on a given issue. Consensus building a is an excellent creative tool used to work out a solution to a problem, define options or directions of action, or find an answer to a challenge faced by the team.
The style of the training is deeply participatory and experiential. Each participant has the opportunity not only to participate in the workshops, but also to conduct them as a facilitator. The training is designed so that each and every participant is actively involved in the learning process of each method. The partcipants receive a manual that is both a reference guide and a workbook, to be used during the training and after.
…and for whom?
- Internal trainers, coaches, consultants
- Managers and team leaders
- HR Business Partners and HR Employees
- Agile Coaches, Scrum Masters
- Project Managers, Project Office staff
- Creative Directors
- Anyone playing a facilitative role in different situations
What are the benefits?
- Introduction to the organisation of a set of methods of reaching consensus and joint decision-making, or structured group reflection
- Acquiring and practicing a set of facilitation methods and techniques
- Extension of facilitation techniques with ICA methods
- The ability to effectively design organisational workshops
- Effective use of time devoted to organisational meetings and increasing their business value
- Improving the effectiveness of meetings, at many stages of consultation, especially when harmonising the knowledge and needs of various stakeholders
- The possibility of applying the methods in some training and team coaching activities
- Expansion of the portfolio of services to include facilitation
Two training days
Original training manual by ICA:UK
Participant support after the training
In English