Who are we?

A team of specialists bringing together different competencies into a coherent toolbox, to help solve problems and approach challenges faced by organizations and communities.

What do we bring?

Wefacilitate's mission is to help organizations free their development potential by mobilizing their own energy and resources so that they achieve their goals and intentions.

What do we do?

We design development processes, train, facilitate workshops, run simulation games, advise on project and change management methodologies and sustainability.


We are involved in the process and neutral towards the content of the team's work. We are also neutral towards methods and methodologies, which we take as different tool boxes, to be used depending on the needs. We work equally comfortably in an agile and traditional environment, we combine approaches where it is useful to best meet the client's needs.


Our approach is process oriented. We focus on the process side of the team’s work, in view of uncovering and integrating the knowledge hidden in participants’ minds. We combine various kinds of interventions – workshops, trainings, team coaching, consulting – into comprehensive development processes.

Model development process

A development process may be composed of various activities, appropriately selected and integrated. It is worthwhile to start with a definition of objectives and intentions and finish with a set of conclusions and learnings, as exemplified by the process map below. 


Wefacilitate's team brings together a great variety of skills and competencies.


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